Hey everyone!!
So, this is NOT a wedding post.
I know, I do have a life other
than planning, blogging, and pinning
ideas about and for my wedding.
This post, is about my new FAVORITE etsy shop.
I'm sure I'm a bit late on this since they seem very
popular. But anyways, here it is...
alissa jacobs
I know its bad quality, but thats the only size. I could get it.
I take no credit for this photo. |
This shop is amazing.
I would post pictures of my favorites but
it would be about 50 pages long.
They have shopping list organizers, that also fit kindles, yay!
Reallllly cute bridesmaids gifts.
Ipad cases.
Card holders.
Amazinggg fabric choices. Where can I find
some of those prints and patterns??
Did I say they have AMAZING fabric choices?
I mean seriously, go check it out.
The picture is a link, so click and look at all the
And the poppies on the clutches are soooooooooo
cute :)
Also, a little update on my life outside the wedding planning...
I am finishing up the semester at both my schools.
Sociology at the local community college and my full time
Private Medical Assisting school. I say "private" lightly...
I'll be starting my internship soon at an OBGYN office.
YAY, I love babies and pregnancy, I think it's amazing.
One of the doctors there actually
delivered me, it's a smalll world.
So I'm super hopeful this might turn into a job :)
I have been unemployed and my awesome parents
have been helping me out, aka supporting me financially,
since I'm going to school. I can't wait until I'm
financially independent again.
I get to apply to nursing school in May.
this is the first year I am able to apply and I'm SOO excited
to get the ball rolling on my future.
It's taken ALOT of hard work to get here, if
I could do it all over again I would go out of state
and get my nursing degree.
California has such a screwed up and complicated system.
Also, future hubby and I are on the hunt for a perfect house.
We won't be moving in together until
after the wedding and honeymoon, but
we want to have it all ready, moved in, and painted
before the wedding. And since it takes FOREVER
to but a house these days, we want to get started soon.
Things are just working out so well
right now and I feel so blessed to have
found such an amazing man.
Anyways, I'll talk to you guys soon.
Have an amazing day :)